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What is a Cosmic Ray?

topics to be covered 1. Definition of cosmic rays 2.Composition 3. Effects  4. Source Definition Cosmic rays are not rays they are ionized particle which travels with nearly the speed of light. Composition Most at these particles are protons or hydrogen (90%),  Some are alpha particles or helium particles (9%) It carries a very very small amount of antiparticles like positrons, antineutrinos and antiprotons.  Cosmic rays bring isotopes of carbon and iron. Like carbon-14 and iron-60 and has helped in maintaining the amount of some radioactive elements for billions of years. Effects This along with solar radiation has been held responsible for damaging the electronics and satellites located in either the upper layers of the atmosphere or in the outer space.  Many chemical reactions on our atmosphere have been led by cosmic rays as it ionizes the oxygen and hydrogen located on the upper layers of our atmosphere.  We humans living in the centre of our earth should not be scared of it thou

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