What is a Neutron Star?

In this session we are going to talk about Neutron star.
1. Definition
2. Formation
4.What it is made of.

   Image result for photo of a neutron star
          A Neutron Star is actually a huge star which has collapsed under its own gravity and reduced to the size of a city with the same mass. It is so dense that one teaspoon of it weights equal to 10 billion kilograms
Ways to form neutron stars
1.when a large star 4 to 8 times the sun's size and mass is out of hydrogen a supernova is created and the star collapses in its own gravity. The mass become nearly infinite i.e one teaspoon of its surface may have the mass 10 billion kgf.
2.when a white dwarf gets enough material from the space i.e the radius before turning into black dwarf it causes supernova white later results to a neutron star.

Image result for photo of a supernova
A Neutron star is formed when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses under its own gravity .the process results to a supernova which is the brightest event of the universe. the first three supernovas were recorded by the Chinese. here is the photo of crab nebula which is a supernova remnant.

Neutron star turning into a black hole
There are two methods through which a neutron star can change into a black hole
1. when two large neutron star collides they get enough mass to turn into a black hole with endless mass.
2. when and old or new neutron star gets a large amount of material from the space to turn into a black hole it becomes a black hole.
Mass of a neutron star keeps increasing with time because the things attracted by sticks to it and becomes its part.

A neutron star consists of superfluids
A superfluid is a fluid which has no friction but a lot of surface tension if you will put some superfluid in a mug you will observe that it is coming out of it.
A super liquid can absorb heat at a very high rate because it is a superconductor
So, it is possible that a neutron star has superfluids so that superfluid can absorb a large amount of heat present in a neutron star and pulsar can turn into a magnetar.
Every neutron star wants to cool itself because when an object is hot its electrons
move from shell to other but in a cooling neutron star there are no electrons because due to the gravity the electrons collide with the protons and form a neutron and due to the intense pressure produced by gravity an atom also looses all the empty space inside it which constitutes more than 99 present of the total space.
Now its time for a question 
When was the first neutron star detected, who detected it and how?
comment its answer in the below comment section. 


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