What is a Cosmic Ray?

topics to be covered
1. Definition of cosmic rays
3. Effects 
4. Source
The Mysterious Source of Extragalactic Cosmic Rays - Ella Alderson ...
Cosmic rays are not rays they are ionized particle which travels with nearly the speed of light.
  • Most at these particles are protons or hydrogen (90%), 
  • Some are alpha particles or helium particles (9%)
  • It carries a very very small amount of antiparticles like positrons, antineutrinos and antiprotons.
  •  Cosmic rays bring isotopes of carbon and iron. Like carbon-14 and iron-60 and has helped in maintaining the amount of some radioactive elements for billions of years.
ESA - ESA missions team up to map cosmic rays across Solar System
This along with solar radiation has been held responsible for damaging the electronics and satellites located in either the upper layers of the atmosphere or in the outer space. 
Many chemical reactions on our atmosphere have been led by cosmic rays as it ionizes the oxygen and hydrogen located on the upper layers of our atmosphere. 
We humans living in the centre of our earth should not be scared of it though because the upper layers of our atmosphere prevent most of its particles from reaching the surface of the earth.
Discovery of a Cosmic-Ray Source Is a Triumph of 'Multimessenger ...
Scientists are still not sure about the source of these particles but most of them assume that their origins are from the supernovas has occurred throughout the universe and here is why they assume this;-
When a huge star(a lot bigger than our sun) runs out of fuel first its core collapses. The star will show no sign for a short time even after its core collapsed. At this moment a ray of energy is emitted out by the star and scientists say that this is in the form of cosmic ray. The reason behind it is that the graph showing the number of cosmic ray particle hit the earth increase every 10 to 12 hours before a nearby supernova. While other scientists say that every star emits cosmic rays though none of these assumptions has been proved.

So, Today's Question is-
What can be the possible source of cosmic ray? Type your answer on the comment box or you can also e-mail me in this e-mail address ( kaushalgoel14106@gmail.com ).


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