How will our universe end?

destruction beautiful sun planet universe space...Previously we have talked about the beginning of the universe but now we will talk about its end.

From ancient times, there have been many theories on how the universe will end, most of them are related to flood and for many, the end of the earth is the end of the universe.

As our understanding about this universe grew the possibilities on how the universe will end grew shorter.

Modern science too has found many possibilities on the end of this universe some of which we will discuss here.

1. Stars constantly use hydrogen and helium as fuel and convert them into higher elements like carbon and iron eventually the star runs out of fuel and forms a white dwarf or neutron star or black hole depending upon its size.  According to this theory, a time will come when all the stars (present and possible) will run out of fuel and the whole universe will go into a dark age with no light the temperature of the universe will be near-absolute zero and the universe will be like that forever(dark and cold).

2. The universe is constantly expanding due to dark energy. Modern-day physics don't know much about dark energy. All we know is that it is a type of energy which is causing the universe to expand. Now, the theory suggests that a time will come when all the dark matter and matters gravity will overcome dark energy and the universe will collapse back to singularity and another universe will be formed from the big bang caused due to the expansion of this singularity.

3BBC - Earth - Why there might be many more universes besides our own. The concept of the multiverse is now becoming pretty common and many scientists are gambling their lives on it though there is no discovery so far that leads us to believe its existence. We are made of matter because after the big bang when the plasma energy cooled down a little more than half of that became matter while the rest became antimatter, as a result, after most of the matter and all the antimatter diffused together and formed energy everything in this universe solid, liquid and gas visible to us are made up of that leftover matter. Like our universe is made up of matter there can be another universe made up of antimatter. When such a universe will collide with our universe during inflation our universe will be destroyed. Though the chances of this possibility to happen is slightly more than no.


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