What are the different types of dwarf star?

A friend asked me about different kinds of dwarf star by commenting on my previous post "What is a White Dwarf?". I must thank him for being the first one to ask a question. To him,' Here is your answer my friend.'

There are different types of dwarf stars in our universe some has not yet come to existence and are just a theory while the other are scattered around us and they will decide the fate of our universe.
Image result for images of red dwarf
Red Dwarfs- Red Dwarfs are stars with a very less mass. i.e a little more than 80 times the mass of our Jupiter. Being small it takes lots of years to burn its fuel which is more than 1 trillion years. So, as a result, it is thought that red dwarfs will be humanity's last refuge. The star nearest to our sun (Proxima Centauri) is a red dwarf star. These stars are very violent.

Image result for images of brown dwarfBrown dwarfs- These are a very small celestial body which has a mass just slightly more mass than the mass of Jupiter. They are hot and consists of planets around them. Their mass is not enough to start nuclear fusion but they are capable to fuse deuterium and lithium. A celestial body, known as Luhman 16 is a brown dwarf.

Image result for image of a white dwarf
White Dwarf-  A White Dwarf is a small collapsed core formed when a star runs out of fuel. It happens to the stars below the Chandrashekhar's limit which are below 4 times the mass of our sun. the white dwarf closet to the earth is Sirius B, it is in a binary star system with the star Sirius.

Black Dwarf- These are a type of White Dwarf star formed when a White Dwarf cools in trillions of years they are among the coldest objects of the universe and at this particular moment our universe consists no black dwarfs as they can take trillions of years to form but our universe is just 13.8 billion years old.

Image result for image of a yellow dwarfYellow Dwarfs- This kind of Dwarf Star is the most common in our universe they consist of a star, less than 4 times the mass of the sun but massive enough to not form a red dwarf. For eg. our very own sun.

Blue Dwarfs- Blue Dwarfs are a type of the Red Dwarf. It is a stage between a red dwarf and a white dwarf. It forms when a red dwarf is in its last stages burning its last bit of hydrogen and as the mass of a blue dwarf is not enough to fuse helium it collapses and forms a White Dwarf. Our Universe does not possess any blue dwarf now.

Image result for image of a k dwarf starK Dwarfs- These are also known as orange dwarfs are sized between yellow dwarfs and red dwarfs. They are good places to search for life. A common example of such kind of star is Alpha Centauri B.


  1. Thank you for the answer.
    It was me who asked the question by the way😁


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